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Mon |je| fut, bien avant deja il fut,

Parti du |nous|, il s’aventura hors du faîte,

Tester les mers, les vents, les ils et les vous.

Sitôt ce corps épuisé, mon |je|, vidé par la vie,

Rejoindra le |nous| orbital,

le |nous| eternel et inépuisable




Le vide peut-il faire autrement

que de decider d’exister?

Le voici pourtant, absent et serein, 

orné de son néant

Aux cotes des demons, des dénis,

des refus du royaume du |non|



The studio
WOBU ReCreators is an art studio (re)created in China and based in France.

We believe that handcrafted work has a way of inspiring people, building connections, and turning ideas into something truly powerful.

Our team was inspired by Marquis de Sid's artwork, which includes painting, drawing, digital art, graphic design, film, and animation.


Since 2019 we've done all sorts of cool stuff—organizing exhibitions, running art markets, and even hosting film screenings. It's been a fantastic way to bring together a bunch of driven people and spark a lively exchange of ideas.

"I spent nearly 10 years in China, including one as a volunteer
in a forest on the bushy plateaux of GuiZhou, far, far away from the everyday life that had (de)built me up. 


It was in this context that I began my (re)creative adventure, starting by illustrating a concept that would be adjacent to and underpin everything I wanted to (re)create: WoBu, ’I Do’ in Chinese, a (re)creative universe where the two entities, the ’I’ that emits and the ’do’ that materialises, reign supreme.

Since all that is cannot be what is not, all visions of verbs are possible, the very ones I want to tell.


In drawing, in objects, in animation, or in some other medium."

Marquis de Sid is a visual artist from Paris 

marquis  de

Founder and artist


Exhibitions, art festivals and media
Double&Duality. Numero 51. Milan. 2024